I still get headaches when I think about Macbeth in high school.
what you might do with an advanced ESL class) then comparatively more complex text might be okay but I would still choose short stories that require minimal dictionary work.
If the aim is to foster literature study and engage in deeper analysis (e.g. What’s easy? Around 90% word comprehension without a dictionary (a fundamental feature of extensive reading). If the aim is to build reading fluency, then easy is required. What is appropriate? It depends on context. Without sounding too much like a crusty grandpa, teachers need to respect the reality in front of them. For Jother Archives and Funny Pictures below wpdreamsajaxsearchlite The Secret Burden A much loved-minister of God once carried a secret burden of long- past sin deep in his heart.
Oh, I think just dropped a hint about my age. I think we can all agree that student attention spans ain’t what they used to be. What makes a great short story for ESL students